Friday, September 30, 2011

Announcements - PLEASE READ!

Hey Guys!

I'm not officially back yet; I'm sort of in a transitional phase. I'm trying to clean up some of the links here. If there's something you want that doesn't have a working link right now, let me know and I'll try to fix it ASAP.

Way Out Junkmeister


  1. I sincerely hope you are able to get WOJ 2.0 going - this blog has provided many, many fond trips down memory lane. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for all the work you've put into this blog! I've enjoyed it, and have passed several of these gems along to a new generation of listeners.

  3. Wow, I just stumbled on this blog looking for a copy of Mary Poppins as done by Do Ri Me Children's Chorus and Mary Martin. You don't have it, but I discovered so many other treasures. If you do decide to post more stuff, I have stuff to contribute including a Rosemary Rice and the Children's chorus album (My personal childhood fave) and Dr Seuss' Bartholomew and the Oobleck (sp?). Thank you your hard work compiling this blog. Browsing it is a great way to spend an afternoon!

  4. I'm wicked sorry for all th' hassle you've been having here; I've been quietly lurking and enjoying WOJ for a while now. Thanks for all th' weirdo stuff you've sent our way!

  5. This is an amazing site, I've found stuff here I never thought I'd hear again. Thanks for all your work.

  6. Thanks, Tony. Hope everything was backed up - this blog always inspired me to keep lookin for kids vinyl in my travels.
    If this wasn't a file server purge by the host it could have been something similar to this mystery which was hopefully solved.

  7. I've always enjoyed your site.
    Been following you for years. Let me know if you change over to another buddy.


  8. I think keeping these cultural documents available IS important...and collectors will always be digging through bins to buy vinyl, regardless of whether it's posted here or not.
    ...heck, I'd be more inclined to buy vinyl from the shops if the records were sold at a fair price and not an inflated collector's price.
    ...but I digress. I came here to say that your site is fantastic and there are many people who appreciate the work you put into it.
    a starving musician

  9. Thanks for the good times, I hardly knew ye.

  10. I have been sharing these albums with my young son, and reliving my youth at the same time! I'm sorry Anonymous keeps bugging you about your site. I have a comment for him; I get all of my albums at Goodwill for 25 cents and sometimes free. And I give many of my albums to friends as gifts. Sorry record stores! If you didn't charge inflated prices, I'd shop there. Now back to this blog. Thank you for keeping this music alive. It has giving my son and I such wonderful times together.

  11. I stumbled upon your website a few minutes ago while searching for a long lost Cliff Edwards/Mother Goose tune from the early 60's. You had EXACTLY what I've been searching for on the "Stories, Games & Fun for Growing Boys & Girls" album. I've been looking forever for that song! Thank you for being here.

  12. Tony Wayout, I have been reaidng this blog many times and I sure hope that it ISN'T. By the way, a plug for mine, clock on my link, a blog about the 1950s and 1960s original soundtrack* versions of the "Gumby" show. With reviews and more.That includes the 10 or so stock cue libraries [thanks to, ASCAP, and others.] Possibly the ONLY blog about the original show that avoids the Gumby revival. Niko said it best [Friday, 5'27]. You really did put the work into this blog..

    *Before that synth-CasioTM guy had to redo the soundtrack and unneccessary addtions like "Minga","Tara","Dinali", etc.messed up that franchise.

  13. Thanks for the Gumby info, Pokey! I don't mind you linking to your blog. In fact, I'll make it even easier for people to see it. The link is:

    Lotsa great info about Gumby (and his pony pal Pokey too)!

    (when I get a chance I'll even try to link to it on the front page but, as you can see, my blog is sort of in a state of flux right now!)


  14. Same with my 3 blogs Tony. I am just tired of replacing links anymore.

    Dave W.

  15. Way Out Junkmeister,
    Thanks for all the work you've put into this blog! I've enjoyed it for a long time and can wait as long as necessary to enjoy again. I admire people who can digitize records and run a blog to share them. Frankly, it's beyond me.

  16. Tony,
    I've been surfing blogland for a couple of years now. I have seen several blogs interested in, among other things, odd c.1960 junk but never one so prolific and focused as this one. Remarkable, really. It's hard for me to imagine how such a thing could even be done.

  17. I want to know, do you remember an old cassette tape that came with a book and it hade two songs i remember that I think were called "It's Your Attitude" and "Work Like A Beaver, Be An Achiever". If so, do you have that so I can download it?
