Here's a great contribution from a reader identified as "Kids Music Fan from Boston". It's an album of safety songs starring Yogi Bear, Boo Boo, and Cindy Bear. There's a lot of neat catchy stuff here. I don't think this is Daws Butler voicing Yogi though. I could be wrong here, but the voice of Yogi sounds an awful lot like Stan Freberg to me. I had heard somewhere that he had done voice work on some of these records, but I have no proof that this is him here. What do you guys think? Whoever it is did a really good job with Yogi's vocal mannerisms. Boo Boo and Cindy don't fare quite as well though.
As a bonus, the album includes the theme songs to Top Cat, Touche Turtle, and other cartoons. I like these because they're extended versions of the theme songs we're familiar with. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this. Thanks again Kids Music Fan from Boston!
Here's the track list:
- Introduction - Yogi Bear Is Better
- Happy as a Clam
- Everybody Makes Mistakes
- Get Neat
- Doodlin' and Dawdlin'
- Don't Do Unto Others What You Don't Want Done to You
- Take a Little Care
- A Little This, a Little That
- So Many Rules!
- There's a Reason for the Rules
- Parents Are People Too
- Reprise (You Can Be a Better Child)
- Top Cat
- Wally Gator
- Dum Dum
- Touche Turtle
- Lippy the Lion and Hardy Har Har