Here's one more Christmas album for you before the holiday! I'm not sure who the singers are on this one. It's from Diplomat Records if that's any help. Anyway, this is one I grew up with, and I hope you like it!
Here's the track list:
- Snoopy's Christmas
- The Little Shepherd
- Christmas Candy
- Mary Christmas
- The Snowflake Song
- Jingle the Christmas Mouse
- The Christmas Tree
- Mr. Reindeer
- Donner and Blitzen
- Jack Frost's Christmas
Thanks for this. I just got a Royal Guardsmen LP that has all of the Snoopy related songs on it including Snoopy's Christmas. This one kind of looks like the artwork from another LP I have called Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron. It doesn't give any artist credits on that one either.
The Royal Guardsmen Snoopy Album is one that I've been looking for years to find! If anyouneANYONE has it please post. Thanks and Merry Christmas to All! Wonderful BLOG - Way Out Junk!
Whoa! Way to go, Tony! I haven't heard this record since I was at least ten years old! Haven't heard it since. A very grand Christmas upload indeed. Thanks for sharing this!
wayoutfan that's the one I mentioned above you that I have. I've seen several copies of it on ebay which is where I got mine from. I'll post it on my blog eventually. Got several already uploaded and in line oahead of it though.
Thanks so much for these downloads!
As others have said, I have been looking for this album in cd format. Happy memories from Christmas' past... :o)
Thank you so very much for this.
Thank you!!!! I remember this album from years ago, when I was a child. My sisters and I played it over and over every christmas. I still remember all the words (and where the scratches were in our album)!! Now i can share them with my daughter (who will never know what an album was!!) Thank you!
Wow! Thank you sooo much for this! My brother and I used to listen to this record over and over again when we were kids...even when it wasn't Christmas. This is the best Christmas gift ever!
God, i loved this album growing up. Mom still has it and i am still trying to get it from her. Tammy
Thank you sooooo much! I have this album (but no record player). I paid someone last year to copy it to CD but its a bad copy. I am so glad I found this!! I know all the words by heart!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I have been looking for this for years! We wore out this album as kids!
Thank you so much... I have this album. I listened to it all the time as a child. My album is in poor condition...so, thank you again. Merry
I'm looking for a similar album with the songs Nuttin for Christmas, I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, The Red Baron Song, The Little Drummer Boy. Just a few great songs were on the album. Can't find it for nothing, but it was definately a Snoopy's Red Baron Christmas album....
Thanks for posting the album. I had it as a kid, and 30 years later I still remember (and enjoy) many of the songs. I played it for my husband and he laughed at my still knowing the words! "Jingles, the Christmas mouse lived in the kitchen in Santas house...." This made my Christmas!
The one with Nuttin For Christmas. and I Saw Mommy etc is Peter Pan records #8069. There is also a Peter Pan #8090 with totally different songs (with names such as "Sloopy to the Rescue"....I guess if they said Sloopy instead of Snoopy they figured they wouldnt get sued by Schultz). Both albums are also called Snoopy's Christmas. I've put up a few of these on YouTube, look for user "boyjohn"
THANK YOU!!!! I've been looking for this album for years. My husband thinks I'm crazy when I sing some of these songs around Christmas time, because he's never heard them.
thanks for this post my dad had an lp copy of this album that he gave me but i dont have a usb turntable to put it on my pc i only have one that connects to my stereo now i can listen to it on my ipod
a classic album listening to this is a Christmas tradition at my house
This recording was also released by Tinkerbell Records (Catalog#: SX 1731) --> http://www.discogs.com/Unknown-Artist-Snoopys-Christmas/release/2336708
Check out this website for a history of the Snoopy's Christmas album: https://sites.google.com/a/boyjohn.com/snoopy-s-christmas-lp-variations/
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