Friday, March 28, 2008

Little Marcy Visits Smokey Bear

Here's an odd combination of Christian ventroquism and conservation! Little Marcy has a picnic with Smokey Bear and all their friends in the forest. And just so you don't forget which side Marcy's bread is buttered on* near the end of the album Marcy peeks into Smokey's window and sees him praying before he goes to bed. Anyway, this is a fun (if unusual) story, and I hope you like it!

(* Boy, I really massacred that figure of speech, didn't I??)

Click here or here to download!


repsac3 said...

Congrats on the link here from another of my favorite sites:

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: MP3 Truffles: The Rick Rollingest

I'd download the album... If I hadn't, already... 8>)

BILLONEY! said...

Smokey need to put a damn shirt on!