You know, I feel like I've been a bit remiss in my duties lately. I mean I've had some fun junk here, some neat junk, maybe even some cool junk, but it's been a long time since I've actually put something here that's lived up to the title of this blog. Well, Gang, I'm going to rectify that right now! This is most definitely WAY OUT JUNK!
This short album from 1978 features the Temple City Kazoo Orchestra doing a few of your old favorites, all using that "most difficult of all intruments to master properly", the kazoo. There really isn't much to say here, other than download and enjoy!
Oh yeah, one other thing. If you looked at the record closely, you could read messages written in the run-off groove (that groove between the end of the music and the center label). Here's what was written in that area: "Kazoos...America's best entertainment value!", "A 'Top Ten' smash!", "Rhino Records! Collect them all! Trade them with your friends!", and "Like the record?...then see the movie!!" I guess there's not enough space to do that on a CD, huh?
The last track was taken from another record, but I felt it deserved to be included here. Take a listen and tell me, is this Way Out or is this WAY OUT?!
The track list:
- 2001 Sprach Kazoostra
- Stayin' Alive
- Miss You
- Whole Lotta Love
- Kazooed on Classics
Hey Tony - I love the stuff you post on your blog, and I like the way you actually like it, instead of just making fun of it. I have this Kazoo record too, you've just reminded me I need to put it on CD.
I hate to seem ungrateful, but I have one small request - can you please share 160 kbps or higher mp3s? I would especially love the Annette box set in better quality, since it's so rare now. Otherwise, keep posting! :)
Lee, comments and requests are ALWAYS appreciated! As I've said many times, I'm new to all this, and the only way I'll improve is through feedback from visitors like you.
I'm on my break at work right now, but when I get home I'll re-record the Annette set at a higher bitrate. I'll then add those files as an option in the next day or two. If I remember I'll try to email you to let you know when I've done it. I'm trying to balance bitrate with the size of the files. I think I might put it to the visitors of this blog as to whether to make future files at the higher bitrate.
Thanks again for the feedback, and you keep posting too!
That would be extremely cool - thank you!
Incredible odd...and lovely!
I picked up an EP by the Kazoo Brothers today. Formed from the ashes of the orchestra, it's a four track 12" also on Rhino featuring Soul man,Rubber biscuit,Little darlin',I can't turn you loose.
Hello Tony.
Happy New Year from me in the UK.
Have been recently reminded of this great ep listening to BBC 6music who are doing a covers programme soon; Whole Lotta Love by the Temple City Kazoo Orchestra might be included!
Found your site, great, but I think you have uploaded the ep playng at 33rpm instead of 45! Your extra track sounds fine.
Any chance of you finding it in your heart to redo the ep? It would be lovely to hear it at the right speed!
Many thanks.
Ray UK
when I was in college, a friend of mine (Jay Strack, wherever he may be roaming) made of few cassettes of Yes and Emerson Lake and Palmer for me. he put some random stuff at the end of sides, including TCKO's "Whole Lotta Love." I still get a kick out of it.
THANK YOU! i have this on vinyl but never had a way to get it to my computer. and the last track is super. so thank you!
God bless your download links!!!! BUAHAHAHA!
Er, I've loved this lot since hearing them on the John Pell Show in the UK many moons ago. Got excited when I found it here, but it's a 45rpm recordind played and uploaded played at 33rpm, well, the first 4 tracks anyhoos!
Please make an old man very happy and upload this at the correct speed.orqixn
Amazing.. I had Zarathustra and Whole Lotta Love on some Dr Demento compilations, but to have the whole kazoo-caboodle: happy happy joy joy! Tony, thx for making my day!
Thank you so very, very much.
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