This actually came out in 1980 before the cartoon in the U.S. Of course the Smurfs were popular long before that due to the comic strip drawn by Pierre "Peyo" Culliford in Belgium in 1958. And whether you love the Smurfs or hate them, these songs are undeniably catchy.
Some bits of trivia:
- In college I took a course in Beginning Tap Dancing. For one of my class routines I used the song "Smurf Baby".
- My wife came into the room, heard this album playing and started dancing to it. She asked me what it was, and I told her it was the Smurfs. She said "Oh.", stopped dancing, and walked out of the room!
- Stay tuned for the Youtube link at the end!
Here's the track list:
- Smurfing Land
- Smurf Hop
- When the Smurfs
- Little Smurf Boat
- Come to the Party
- Smurf Baby
- You're a Pink Toothbrush
- Smurfin' Cowboy
- Merry Go Round
- Silly Little Song
- Summertime
- Smurf Lullaby
This is an authorized (but somewhat disturbing) commercial for UNICEF featuring the Smurfs. The deal at the end reads, "War. Don't let it devastate the world of children."
Good lord......that's terrible,
I always knew the Smurfs were the bomb...but C'mon!
I wonder how many real babies were tortured to get the effect for the ending.
Do you have the Smurfs All-Star Show album?
THANK YOU!! I had this LP as a kid, and my siblings and I wore it right out. I found a cassette at a thrift store last year, but it was all warbly. You have made my day, and perhaps my week.
the smurfs were usually accompanied by Father Abraham, a somewhat shadowy figure with a white beard & hat. I had an lp that had a song called "Smurfing Beer", the lyrics went "smurf,smurf,smurfing beer, you dont get drunk & it isn't dear"...why a children's record should have a drinking song on it is anyone's guess...I had also had several plastic figures of them. This was over 25 years ago.
Thank you so much for making this available! I listened to this A LOT as a kid and now I will play it for my children. The songs are so catchy. To this day "I'm a pink toothbrush, you're a blue toothbrush" pop in my head. Awesome! Thank you!
I meant "You're a pink toothbrush, I'm a blue toothbrush" :)
Been pedantic but the words to Smurfing Beer are:
Beer, Beer, Smurfing Beer...
oh my god.........you're a lifesaver.....thank you for having this available on the net...i had the cassette but it got wrecked thanks to the ghetto radio...i listened to it a lot as a kid n it is indeed a keepsake for generations to come
p.s. i think itz way better than the 2000 children's music..
Beer Beer Smurfing Beer!! My mom hated me singing that! This is great I have to email my brothers this! Thanks and have a smurfing beer on me!
amazing! thanks for making this available. lots of childhood memories and now my daughter can appreciate this album!
Thank you SO much! My parents got the 8-track for me and my sisters probably when it first came out and it's been nearly 30 years since I've heard it. Childhood memory being what it is, all I could remember was a pink toothbrush and a magical feeling of being in a different world when listening to this. This is so incredibly amazing to find. I love the internet!
After 25 years I will once again annoy my sister with "toothbrush". I am going to get my nephew to play a cd for her at about 6 am like I did when we were young. My dad used to help me set up the 8 track player to do it :) love those parental conspiricies. THANK YOU!
THANK YOU so much. I was finally getting around to transferring some of my old tapes to MP3s, and somehow in the midst of the mess I *threw away* my Smurf tape before I got it copied. I was very upset... it was one of my favorite albums as a kid... you can't imagine how excited I was to see that you posted a copy online! THANKS again!!!
The Smurfs All-Star Show
Father Abraham in Smurfland
i was really bored tonight. thanks for all the memories.
OMG!! You have made my night! I was just trying to sing smurf lullaby to my 6 month old and I was a little shakey on the lyrics....THANK YOU THANK YOU! I used to have the cassette...but after repeated use it's pretty much dead...well I got it to work once last year but when I tried to copy it the tape started to get all warbly....Thank you for posting this! (My sister is gonna b so surprised!)
Thank you so very much. You have no idea how much this means to find it...
Thank you for posting this. I had a cassette of Smurf songs back in the 80s which I unfortunately played to death. Smurf Lullaby was my favourite and I find myself singing it to my 2-week old daughter when she can't sleep.
I was all excited about getting the smurf tunes, I grew up with them, but I got virus' to yea!
My family things I've gone off the deep end. I am BLASTING this and singing all the smurf songs lyrics by heart. Thank you! We had to share the album with my cousins and it was always a fight over who got it for the next week! SO MUCH FUN!
You just made my decade! I used to listen to the Smurf Lullaby before I want to sleep when I was a little boy about 22 years ago! I still remember the lyrics! THANK YOU!
Smurfette, that album was called "Father Abraham In Smurfland" and it was by polydor as well. I remember smurfin beer. Something about it never made you drunk. lol
Oh my god thank you so much! I have had these in my head for the past month and have been trying to find my old caessett (I have a 3 year old, and want him to know these) and I am so excited!!!!!
A dance mix of Smurfing Beer is out on iTunes now
Thank you SO MUCH! I've been looking for Silly Little Song for ages. It's a childhood favourite and it's amazing to hear it again. Thank you thank you thank you! Emmie, Glasgow, Scotland :D
Smurfin Beer / Father Abraham was originally released shortly after the Smurfs and the Magic Flute movie. Though the songs were originally performed in Dutch (Father Abraham being a Dutch folk singer). I'm not sure how the Father Abraham in Smurfland ended up in my collection when I was a kid, but it sure brings back some fond memories. :P
Thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping this upload available. Have a SMURFY day :-)
You have no idea how much my twin sister and I loved this 8-track. It's the first purchase we ever made. I bought the record and was trying to convert it to a cd. THANK YOU! It will make our family christmas!
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