How many of you remember "Zoom"? This show was known for its interactivity with its audience. In fact, many of the skits and craft projects were sent in by kids in hopes of seeing their ideas on TV. Zoom had a rotating cast, so I don't know if I remember everybody in this picture. I think the boy at the top left was Danny, and the chubby boy to the far right was Mike. The Asian girl in the next row was Bernadette (she of the magic twirling arms). I think David is next to her. I believe the black boy is Leon. The girl to his right is Maura, and Jay is on the bottom row in the middle. Not bad considering I probably haven't seen this show in over 20 years! Anyhow, if you watched the show very often, you'll know a lot of these songs, including the Fannee Doolee song and the Ubbi-Dubbi madrigal. You'll also remember the address to send your stuff to. (Zoom, Box 350, Boston Mass, OH-two-ONE-three-FOUR.) Hope this brings back some fun memories for you!
Here's the track list:
- Zoom - Theme
- Stay All Night
- Games
- The Lollipop Tree
- Witches Brew
- Michael Row the Boat Ashore
- I Believe in Music
- Twinkle (A Mad Tea Party)
- Piccolomini
- Ballin' the Jack
- Wishes
- Fannee Doolee
- Address Song - Send It to Zoom!
- Fannee Doolee - Answer
- Ubbi-Dubbi
- Zoom Close
Click here to download!
I saw this at Mrs. Davis' site, too! I've never heard of this! I'm trying to find out what year it was made.
There's one listed on ebay that says it's from 1974.
Check Wikipedia for the original theme. This record has second season cast and theme.
This is a good LP, I also have it. And guess what? There was another classic ZOOM LP with an even better cover - almost all orange - released by Rounder Records a couple years later. It included a different version of the theme song and also "the address song" in which the kids sing the address to which you should send your letters and postcards set to very groovy funk music.
Years later some of the original cast mmbers from the 1972 lineup reunited for an album called Playground. It was released in 1975 or 1976.
And it had the swetest vocals from two of the members singing Always Friends.
Far out, thanks.
Funny story:
My sister-in-law has a huge CRUSH on one of the ZOOM cast members. She'd watch everyday and get all school-girl giggle about her favorite ZOOMer.
The punch line? Turns out the cast member was a GIRL! BWAH-HA-HA-HA!
I'll be sure to send her a copy of this!
yes! this is great!! this and the electric company....
WGBH-Boston revamped the show, theres a great website with trivia from the original cast, including the origins of bernadettes arm spinning move...
Thank you so much for posting this! I have been looking for this album for years, and now that I'm starting my own family, I can share this album with my daughter and my soon-to-arrive son.
YES! I've wanted a copy of the Zoom Theme song since like 1977!
I had this cassette! And I have to tell you the story of when I bought it as a kid. My parents took us to a new gigantic record store in Baltimore in the late 70s where the gimmick was it was a huge warehouse, and all the cassettes lined the walls in narrow illuminated shelves, and underneath the shelves was a narrow conveyor belt that ran constantly, snaking under the whole perimeter of the room. If you saw something you liked, you knocked the cassette out of its shelf and onto the conveyor belt, where it would go directly to the cashier. They let me get the Zoom album and I loved it to death. Thanks so much for posting it, now my son can enjoy it too.
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