I was one of those kids who read a lot when I was in school, mostly comic books and silly stuff. One of the things I enjoyed the most was ordering books from the Scholastic Book Club. I'd always get the latest Dynamite magazine (and later Bananas magazine) and whatever other interesting stuff struck my fancy. This unusual book became one of my favorites. I was doing some cleaning and came across it again, so I thought I'd share some of it with you. Prof. Firefly has his own crazy zodiac and information and words of wisdom about each month. I'll put this info up (more or less) when it comes up during the year. This may help you understand where some of my bizarre sense of humor comes from! Look for the first entry shortly!
I loved this book! It was one of my favorites around fifth grade. It makes me want to dig through my bedroom closet back at mom's house to see if I can find it. My sons would love it, too!
Fabulous book! I still have my copy somewhere! We are probably only 2 of 10 people on the planet who know about it!
Pleasantly surprised to see a woman post here; this was definitely a "boy's book" when I was in school.
If only 10 of us know about this book, only about 2 are female.
Good taste, Jenniphred.
I'm female and I LOVED this book! I've passed my copy on to my 8-yr-old daughter. She's really enjoying it. Glad someone is getting the word out!
Holy moley, Tom Eaton! I love that guy! Somewhere I've got a copy of his "Disorganized Week" planner, another Scholastic book. I'm stunned anyone but me remembers Eaton, but I'm glad he still has fans.
I loved Tom Eaton's work in the 60s when I was in high school. I found his phone number a few years ago and called him, and he was amazed to hear from a fan. He sent me a nice envelope full of his work, plus an original cartoon, which I treasure. I hope he's still around and doing well. Time has flown by and I lost contact.
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